List of symbols
- A = cross-section area of flow
- B = channel surface width
- CF = discharge coefficient for free-flow undershot gate
- CG = reference discharge coefficient for gate
- CS = discharge coefficient for submerged undershot gate
- g = acceleration of gravity
- H = total head
- h = height of water surface above datum
- hs = gate height for overflow
- K = Strickler’s coefficient
- k = 0 for lateral inflow, 1 for lateral outflow
- kF = flow reduction coefficient for submerged gate
- L = length of weir crest
- n = Manning’s roughness coefficient
- Q = volumetric rate of discharge
- q = discharge per unit length
- R = hydraulic radius
- So = bed slope
- Sf = friction slope
- V = mean velocity
- W = undershot gate or offtake opening
- x = distance in the direction of flow
- y = vertical depth of flow
- Z = elevation
- Zc = critical elevation
- e = small increment
- m = discharge coefficient for pipe free flow
- m’ = discharge coefficient for pipe submerged
- mF = discharge coefficient for free flow weir
- mS = discharge coefficient for submerged weir
- S = summation symbol