Management of parameterized variables

Some variables can be "parameterized". This means that instead of assigning them a fixed value, they are assigned a variable name (ex .: X1, X2, etc.), and the value taken by this variable will be read in a .par file containing these variables and their values. The generation of names of variables (X1, X2, etc.) takes place automatically, with the letter X, and a number which is incremented automatically.

This file has a format similar to:

//Nd : Lezlir > Pr : Prise1 > CL Débit
X1        4.12
//Nd : Deversoir Latéral > Pr : Structure1 > Ouv : Seuil évacuateur de crues Cote de seuil (m) Variante  : 1
X2        8.8

This file is created and saved automatically when saving the xml file. But it is also possible not to rewrite this file at each record by unchecking the appropriate box (bottom left on the screen below).

The advantage of this option is to generate or modify this .par file manually or by an external program (Notepad, Matlab, Scilab, R, etc.) and thus to control simulations with easily modified variables. Possible uses are for example for automatic calculation sequences for sensitivity analysis, optimization, calibration, etc.

The "Parameterized Variable" menu in the Hydraulic mode allows a synthetic view of these variables and their default values. At the time of execution of the hydraulic calculation of the scenario (and possibly the corresponding variant), if the .par file is found and if the value of the variable is found, then that value will be used. Otherwise it will be the default.

On the same window you can see the name of the .par file in which these variables will be written and required. This name is automatically created from the name of the xml data file (file name when first creating the file) to which is added the code "_" followed by the scenario number. This file management is indeed made at the scenario. In the current version of SIC that name can not be changed (unless you go edit it directly in the xml file) and is stored in the xml file and kept in memory, even if all the variables are parameterized rebates normal variables. Thus, if the variables are switched again in parameterized variables the same name will be used again. It is therefore possible to rename the xml file, without having to change the .par file used.

Warning, if .par file is created or modified from an external program, it is important to maintain its format. Especially in the current version of Edisic, the separator between the variable (ex .: X1) and its value is a tab. However, comment lines (beginning with //) are optional.