Import of .TAL and .FLU files in batch mode

This feature allows you to launch EdiSIC, open a .TAL file, save it in Xml, launch the mesh with the Talweg program, and then if everything went right, import one or more .FLU files. These files are from those with the format of version SIC 4.**.


EDISIC.EXE "working_directory" IMPORT "File.TAL" "File1.FLU" ["File2.FLU" ...]

Parameter Description

  • "EDISIC.EXE": The name of the executable program with the possibility to give its complete name if the third party program running the batch mode is not located in this directory, or if the executable program is not defined in the path
  • "Work_directory": Working directory (in which the output XML file and the .log file will be generated)
  • IMPORT: EdiSIC launch mode - opening and saving one or more files
  • "File.TAL": Name of a .TAL file (full path or relative to the working directory)
  • "File1.FLU", "File2.FLU" ...: Name of a .FLU file (full path or relative to the working directory)

The option works for as many .FLU files as you want. It is even possible to put several batch of .TAL followed by several .FLU.

Command line limitation: using EDISIC.MAC

Since the command line size is limited, it may be useful to set the command line in the EDISIC.MAC file and to run EdiSIC in "macro" mode.

Command Line Example

EDISIC.EXE "C:\Files\SicV5\dat\ex1" IMPORT Demo.tal Demo.flu


C:\Sic538f5\exe\Edisic.exe "C:\Fichiers\Sic V5\dat\ex1" Import Demo.tal Demo.flu

The following actions will be performed:

  • Opening of Demo.tal
  • Registration in xml format
  • Mesh of the xml file by Talweg
  • Import file Demo.flu

The Demo.flu file will be used to create a scenario. In order to better adapt to executions in batch mode, several things will be defined and activated for this scenario:

  • A variant will be created, in case we want to use it for example for an unsteady simulations (in batch mode we can import an initial condition in a scenario or a variant and then run a steady or unsteady calculation)
  • The management of the .par file will be positioned in the mode where this .par file will not be rewritten by Edisic. It will thus be possible to create it by a third-party program and to take it into account during the calculations (otherwise by default Edisir rewrites it each time the .xml file is saved).
  • The mode of steady state calculation for several time instants and not only for the first moment is also activated, to allow these multiple calculations in batch mode. We can actually think that this feature will be useful in batch mode. It will be possible anyway in the calculation parameters of the program Fluvia to specify the end times (TFIN=) and the time step (DT=) if we do not want to perform every possible moment.

In the case of using an edisic.mac file, it will be necessary to put:

"C:\Files\SicV5\dat\ex1" IMPORT Demo.tal Demo.flu

this file being positioned in the sub-directory of the project, where the files to be imported will also be present. And Edisic must also have this sub-directory as the current directory (open a file in this directory before and then close Edisic).

and just run in command line:


