Format of the .par file
A file of parameterized variables is created per scenario and is automatically updated when the scenario is saved in EdiSic. The file is named [XML Project Name] _ [Scenario #].par
In the above file name, we have chosen to keep the name of the initial project [XML Project Name] in the name, even if the name of the project is then changed, either by the command "Save as" from EdiSic, or by hand under Windows or under Dos. If you have a routine generating this file for automatic executions, you will not have to modify it even if the name of the project file is then modified.
It is a text file containing rows and columns. The accepted separators for columns are spaces, tab, semicolon, and comma. The format is as follows:
- Lines not starting with "L" or "X" are ignored. By convention, the comment lines begin with the double symbol "//".
- The lines beginning with X1, X2, X3, ... Xn are used to define the value of the parameterized variable,
- Lines beginning with L1, L2, L3, ... Ln are used to define the location of a parameterized variable in the network.
EdiSic is used to define the location of the variables parameterized from the input interfaces of the hydraulic mode (see the management of parameterized variables). But it is also possible to define new variables parameterized directly in the .par file by defining their location in the network using lines starting with L.
Syntax for lines starting with X
For a fixed value, the syntax will be:
X[n] [Value]
X1 0.25
This means that when running the simulation of the corresponding scenario and/or variant, either in Steady (Fluvia) or Unsteady (Sirene) flow, the parameter or variable named X1 will be given the value 0.25 instead of the value indicated in the EdiSic interface and stored in the xml file.
For a time-varying value (time-dependent law), the syntax will be:
X[n] LOI [E or R]
X[n] [Time in seconds] [Value]
X[n] [Time in seconds] [Value]
The [E or R] parameter allows you to choose between step mode [E] or ramp mode [R].
Example for a water rotation schedule evolving at 0, 1 and 2 hours:
// Function law of time in "E" mode (E stands for Echelon meaning step in French)
X1 0 -0.1
X1 3600 -0.2
X1 7200 -0.1
Syntax for lines starting with L
Lines beginning with L contain a set of columns with pairs [Object Type] = [Value]. The meaning of the object types is as follows:
- BF: n° of the Reach
- ND: n° of the Node
- PR: n° of the Offtake
- ST: n° of the Structure
- OUV: n° of the Device
- SN: n° of the Section
- PBF: n° of the Reach zone (for Manning-Strickler and Infiltration)
- CAR: Variable to be parameterized on the object (see list of variables below)
The number of Reaches, Nodes and Sections is visible in the tooltip that appears when you mouse over the various network objects in the EdiSic tree view. The .par file written by EdiSic has the comment line "L" for each variable defined as an example of syntax |
It is possible to define several locations for a single variable. A no-consequence warning will be displayed during the simulation and the same value will be applied to the different locations requested.
Here are different localization examples for different network objects:
Type of object | Syntax of the line |
Discharge of offtake n°1 of node n°1 | L1 ND=1 PR=1 CAR=Q |
Opening of the gate of the first structure level of offtake n°1 of node n°2 | L2 ND=2 PR=1 ST=1 OUV=1 CAR=W |
Discharge coefficient of the gate of structure n°1 of the cross-structure located in section n°4 of reach n°1 | L3 BF=1 SN=4 OUV=1 CAR=CoefQR |
Strickler of the first zone of Strickler of reach n°1 | L4 BF=1 PBF=1 CAR=KMin |
At the EdiSic interfaces the frictions are indicated in Strickler in French and Manning in English and Spanish. But internally, these frictions are written in the .xml files as well as in the .par files in Strickler. If you are Anglo-Saxon and used to manipulating Manning, you will have to think of converting them (Ks = 1/n) into Strickler if you write them in a .par file.
The list of variables available by the CAR parameter is as follows (note that the upper and lower case are important):
Variable | Signification | Possible Localization |
Q | Discharge or Targeted discharge | Offtake with a boundary condition in discharge or with a targeted discharge controlling a device (ND=... PR=... CAR=Q ) |
Z | Water elevation | Offtake with a boundary condition in elevation (ND=... PR=... CAR=Z1 ) |
KMin | Strickler of the minor bed | Zone of a reach (BF=... PBF=... CAR=KMin ) |
KMoy | Strickler of the medium bed | Zone of a reach (BF=... PBF=... CAR=KMoy ) |
Inf | Seepage | Zone of a reach (BF=... PBF=... CAR=Inf ) |
It will also be possible to control parameters of cross-devices (BF=... SN=... OUV=...
) and offtake devices (ND=... PR=... ST=... OUV=...
The available variables are:
Variable | Signification | Possible type of device |
CoteRadier | Sill elevation | All devices |
Largeur | Width | All gates and weirs except circular gates and tubes |
Ouverture | Gate opening | All gates except GEC-Alsthom |
CoefQR | Discharge coefficient for rectangular device | All gates and weir equations except Goussard equation for GEC-Alsthom gates |
SurverseHauteur | Height of the gate | All gates |
CoefQSurverse | Discharge coefficient for overtopping flow | All gates with a possible overtopping over the gate |
TanAl | Side slope | Trapezoidal gates and weirs, GEC-Alsthom gates |
CoefQT | Discharge coefficient for trapezium device | Trapezoidal gates and weirs and GEC-Alsthom gates using CEM02 equation |
CoteAxe | Axis elevation | GEC-Alsthom gates |
Rayon | Radius of the gate | GEC-Alsthom gates |
D | Caracteristic "D" of the Goussard equations | AMIL gates |
JMax | Maximum head-loss | GEC-Alsthom gates |
S1S2 | Ratio of the tank surfaces for filtering | AVIS, AVIO, Mixtes gates |
Decal | Shift of the tank inlet location | AVIS, AVIO, Mixtes gates |
Decrement | Decrement | AMIL, AVIS, AVIO gates |
CoteAmont | Maximum upstream elevation | AMIL gates |
Example of .par file
// Localization defined by EdiSic
//Nd : OFF 3 > Pr : Prise1 > CL Débit
// L1 Nd=3 Pr=1 Car=Q
// Law function of time in mode "E" Echelon (Step)
X1 0 -0.1
X1 3600 -0.2
X1 7200 -0.1
// Added by the user of Nd : DAM > Pr : Offtake 1 > Discharge boundary condition
L2 Nd=1 pr=1 car=Q
// Law function of time in mode "R" Rampe (Ramp)
X2 0 2.5
X2 3600 3
X2 7200 2.5
// Added by the user of Nd 3 and 5 Offtake 1 with a constant discharge of 0.4 m3/s
L3 Nd=3 Pr=1 Car=Q
L3 Nd=5 Pr=1 Car=Q
X3 -0.4