Sections modification

In this part, several operations are available:

  • Design of sections equidistant of a defined step. At this stage there is no interpolation, neither on the shape of the section, nor on the bottom elevation. To do this, use the "Interpolation" tab to interpolate the sections in shape and possibly in bottom elevation, or just the "Chainage and Bottom Elevations" tab to change the bottom elevations;
  • Design of major bed sections from minor or minor-medium bed sections;
  • Automatic rename of sections with an order number or function of the chainage.
  • Changing the format of the sections, for example from Width/Elevation or Abscissa/Elevation to Trapezoidal, or vice versa, from Trapezoidal to Culvert (thus closing the section to its ceiling), etc. Currently all option combinations are not supported, but the list will be expanded, and the more traditional options are implemented. Do not hesitate to contact the developers for a particular option if necessary.
  • Change of type of sections, from Minor to Minor/Medium or vice versa. In the case of passage from Minor to Minor/Medium, the overflow elevation between the 2 beds is proposed as being (1) the average of the bottom and bank elevations, (2) the bank elevation. Then you have to modify it if necessary. We can imagine later other choices. Changes to or from Major Beds are not currently allowed, as a Major bed exists only as a complement to a Minor or Minor/Medium bed. But if an interest appears for this option we can do it

Note: If in Width/Elevation format there are more than 2 pairs of values, only the 2 first ones will be used for a passage in Trapezoidal, Culvert or Rectangular format. For a passage in Rectangular format, the second pair will be just used for the bank elevation, the width will be ignored. Same for an Abscissa/Elevation format if there are more than 4 points, only the first 4 will be used.